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Our Home Inspection Services:

Residential Home

Buyers Home Inspection

Single Family Home Purchase, Multi Family Home Purchase, Pre-Market Inspection, Annual Safety Inspection or Business Inspections

Mold Testing

Mold Inspections

Mold Inspections and Air Quality Diagnosis

Black Mold Removal

Mold Removal and Remediation

Mold Removal and Mold Remediation Services

New Home Construction

New Construction Home Inspections

New Construction Home Inspection and the Benefit of having one Completed

Ohio Radon Map

Radon Inspection & Radon Testing

Radon Gas in Ohio

Damaged Sewer Line

Sewer & Drain Line Inspections

Sewer Line Inspection and the hidden risk of not having one completed at the time of you home inspection.

The first benefit is that it offers peace of mind. You’ll know for sure if there’s anything wrong with your water and its quality without a doubt. Then, you can either relax or address the issue that was found with the test. Having your water tested privately will cover a wide range of contaminants in your water. Every water treatment plant has different standards and tests that they run. If there is a Well providing water to your home or your future home, it would be beneficial to have a water sampling test completed.

Water Sampling

Water Sampling for Bacteria, E. coli and other contaminants

Pest Control

Wood Destroying Insect Inspection

We Offer Pest Inspections to ensure there are not Wood Destroying Insects feasting on your home!

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